I am a singer songwriter at heart by the name Sertari... you can have a nose at www.sertari.com if you wish. I love performing its my release from life BUT while on the road I use to buy loads, and I mean loads of plastic drinking water bottles.
If I'm honest it was during the summer of 2018 that I realised and researched more about the plastic waste problem and felt compelled that I needed to change my ways.
I felt so over whelmed, when I looked around my house everything I used was either plastic or plastic items that were not recyclable... ahhhh!! where do you start? Its easy just to blame someone else or blame the industry for not making it easy and I do agree the big corporations do not help at all as everything I see is wrapped in unnecessary plastic.
HOWEVER.... there are still a lot of things we can do together to help reduce our carbon footprint and if everyone did their bit then surely that is a good thing? I know my website might not save the world BUT if I can help provide some easy alternatives to help reduce your carbon footprint whether that's providing or blogging about plastic free items, reusable items or recyclable products then I will feel happy that I am helping the planet in some way..
I have sourced all my products so you don't have to do the leg work, I have also tried all these products so if you have any questions please feel free to ask. I would love to know how you get on and hear your feedback. If you have any item suggestions you would like to see plastic free I am all ears, so go on set me a challenge!
I have also a blog page where you can find some helpful websites or greener ideas you may like to try. My approach with the blog page is to add helpful information as it can all seem a little over whelming when thinking about the climate crisis and how to help!